Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Few Ramblings...

An Apple a Day...

You know the old adage, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away".  I don't think they meant loaded in pies and crisps with sugar, cinnamon, and butter........

I was going to make applesauce with the remainder of my apples, but dear husband begged for another crisp.  So I made THIS recipe.  It looks really good, but I haven't tasted it yet.  And really, how can you go wrong with those ingredients?   

Apples are just one of the reasons I love Fall.  There is something special about the season.  To me, Fall is the start of a new beginning; a prelude of sorts.  I know most people probably look at Spring that way, but plants and flowers need to die off first and rest before new growth can take place.  People are that way too.....there is often something planted inside us, a bad habit, thought patterns, etc., that need to die off before we can experience new growth.  I think Fall is a good time for self evaluation and thoughtful introspect.  (And, the colorful foliage is certainly a delight for the eyes!)

Joy in a little quiet thought.....