Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Easy Monday Dinner

Now that I'm homeschooling, I've been trying to get more organized with my household tasks.  I've been getting up 1/2 hour earlier in the mornings and you'd be surprised how much can get done in the quiet stillness of the morn. 

I fixed London Broil yesterday for dinner.  This is another one of those dishes you can fix in the morning and refrigerate until you are ready to grill or broil the meat. 

Heather's Easy London Broil
  • London Broil (size appropriate for your family)
  • Olive Oil
  • Minced garlic
  • Fresh ground pepper
  • Kosher salt

Rub meat with 1 - 2 T olive oil (I use a baggie for this part).  Put 1 tsp of minced garlic, fresh ground pepper to lightly cover, and sprinkle kosher salt on one side; rub it all into the meat (again I use a baggie over my hand).  Repeat for the other side.  Cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge.
About an hour before you are ready to cook your meat remove from the fridge to take some of the chill off the meat.  Place on a broiler pan pretreated with cooking spray, or grill outdoors for approximately 5 - 6 minutes each side.  You want your meat to be red (medium rare) in the middle so that is stays tender.  The longer you cook the meat, the tougher it is going to be.  Slice your meat thinly at an angle.

I served our London Broil with a fresh garden salad and my homemade dinner rolls.  There is plenty leftover for dear hubby to carry to work tomorrow.

 Joy in an easy dinner that has a festive feel.