Sunday, August 7, 2011

Thinking About...

"The weather grew colder...The days were growing short and a little fire burned all day in the cookstove to keep the house warm.

The attic and the cellar were full of good things once more, and Laura and Mary had started to make patchwork quilts.  Everything was beginning to be snug and cosy again."
excerpt from Little House in the Big Woods
by Laura Ingalls Wilder

   I just finished reading Little House in the Big Woods to my son.  I read a chapter a night to him at bedtime.  

The Laura Ingalls Wilder series of books were some of my favorites growing up and they have a great historical view point of how the early "pioneers" lived.  

The above excerpt is from the last chapter of the book and really struck a cord with me; even now as an adult.  The coziness of home is as important today as it was back then.  We may not build a storehouse of food for the winter, but I'm looking forward to putting my crock pot to good use making soups, stews, chili's and casseroles for my little family.  Who knows, I may even bake in it this year.  Not Your Mother's Slow Cooker Cookbook has some interesting recipes for breads, steamed puddings and cakes that I may try.

About this time of year, every year, I start to yearn for the change of season from hot, humid summer to cool, crisp autumn.  

Not much longer...
and in the meantime, we have air conditioning.  
