Thursday, August 18, 2011

Back To School...

It's Thursday already, and we almost have our first week of school under our belts... 

Phonics and Math have mostly been review, but we've had fun exploring some new subjects in the form of Science, Social Studies, and Spelling to name a few.  

Yesterday we had art class and I introduced the little one to Vincent Van Gogh's The Starry Night, then we painted our own swirling rendition; it was fun.  One of the books I'm using for Art is Art Treasury; it's an Usborne book.  Each project has a little introduction section (to the work of art), then they give instructions for creating your own artwork in the same medium.  It's a pretty cool book. 

This afternoon after school we headed to the park for a little walk and play time.  The park is an old farm that was donated to the county and they've really made it a wonderful family place to visit.  

We found an old walnut tree on the property and dear son had fun playing with the green fruit (nut).  

Summer was busy and it seemed short since we started school early.  But, I know come June next year, we'll be glad we did. 

Fall's just around the corner, and it's my favorite season.  I think I'm going to look into going apple picking this year...something to think about anyway.  
