Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Little Gardening and Alfresco Crochet

Nothing like sitting out on the deck on a sunny afternoon, with my feet propped up, iced coffee in hand and the crochet hook and yarn close by....

I've been crocheting my little heart out on a TOP SECRET project that I hope to reveal at a later be determined.  I have about 2 more weeks of crochet silence and then I'm back onto the fisherman wedding afghan.  I hope you'll bear with me while I blog about things other than crochet in the meantime...

This past Friday evening, our little family headed to our local Lowe's for some garden shopping.  I found lots of pretty flowers to plant and got right to it Saturday following the little ones soccer practice...

I planted a Knock-Out Rose bush by the mail box...

and have another rose bush my Father sent me for mother's day that will be joining it...
once we have consistently warm weather.

 I planted some Phlox in a few strategic places...

 and, several geraniums in one of the few sunny spots around the house...

And in my shady patch garden...
that my cheerful frog oversees...

I planted a Hydrangea and my favorite Impatiens...

just so you know,
and aren't too worried,
Momma Robin came back to her nest in the Honeysuckle bush...

Hope you are having a great week!  
