Friday, May 6, 2011

Nature's Splendor

Yesterday was a beautiful spring day!  

We've had such a cold and gray spring with so much rain I've wondered if we were going to float away on different occasions.  But all that was forgotten with an afternoon walk in the bright sunshine...

Dear son and I found this birds nest in our honeysuckle shrub as we were playing ball.  No sign of momma robin, hope she comes back to keep her eggs warm...

The first of my irises have come up....

These bulbs came with the house and over time I've moved them around to different locations and separated them as they've grown too close together.  I think this is actually a yellow and purple that have somehow grown together, it has a kind of "muddy" look to it, but I still enjoy watching them bloom....

A flower is a flower after all...

This little critter was out in our front yard the other day...

He (or she) has been feasting on my hostas and there isn't much left of them but for a few stems.  But honestly, I don't mind (too much), I love having wildlife so close to watch...

Joy in the splendor of nature!